Exotic Leaf Eater | Now with Added Herbs
Tortoises have been living that vegan life way before it was cool, they really set the trend! While the relatively simple mixture of fruit and vegetables will supply a tortoise with a lot of nutrition, it is hard to really hit all of their nutritional needs just through this. That’s why Brown's Pet Range teamed up with Zoological Nutritionists who’ve worked hard on tortoise nutrition for years. Together we created the Exotic Leaf Eater Diet: A pellet containing all the essential & beneficial nutrients needed for a tortoise to live their long life feeling happy & healthy. All you need to do is mix the pellet with water to turn it into a mushy paste, then serve! You can add this diet to their usual mix of fruit & vegetables to really get the variety they crave while hitting all their nutritional goals! Exotic Leaf Eater also stops the need for calcium supplementation!
The Added Herbs
Myself and tortoises have a lot in common. We’re slow moving; the fastest you’ll see us move is when food is served. Your tortoise can quickly turn into the shelled-version of Usain Bolt when that bowl gets placed.
With the herbs we have added to this diet not only is it more appetising to your tortoise than ever, it also has added nutritional benefits as well. Dandelion Leafs have been a favourite for tortoises for a long time, but did you know that they have mild Diuretic properties as well? This helps keep your tortoise healthy & happy throughout their long life. With added high quality Timothy Hay as well, it’s easy to see why tortoises respond so well to Exotic Leaf Eater with Added Herbs.
What Else Shall I Feed
While Exotic Leaf Eater will make up the bulk of your tortoises nutritional requirements, there are plenty of other food you can supplement their diet with. This can be for extra nutrtional addons or just because your tortoise plain loves them. Firstly we’ll go over the veg; what to use often & what to use sparingly.
- Kale & Cabbage
- Red or Curly Lettuces
- Rocket
- Parsley, Watercress
- Carrot or Radish Tops
- Sprouts
- Mushrooms
- Edible Flowers
- Fresh Leafy Spices- Basil, etc.
Vegetables | Okay Choices – Use Sparingly
- Iceberg, Romaine & Butter Lettuce
- Spinach
- Celery
- Peas, Bean Pods
- Carrot (chopped or lightly cooked)
- Zucchini, Broccoli, Cauliflower
- Sweet Potatoes (shredded or lightly cooked)
Fruits | Good Choices – Use Often
- Papaya, Figs, Mango, Kiwifruit, Pomegranate And Other 'Tropical' fruits
- Pineapple
- Melon, All Kinds, Including Horned Melon
- Strawberry
- Cactus Fruit
- Cherries
- Bell Peppers, Any Color
- Corn, Especially On The Cob
- Squash, Pumpkin
Fruits | Okay Choices – Use Sparingly
- Blueberry, Blackberry, Mulberry
- Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot
- Banana, Grapes
- Cucumber
- Tomatoes
- Naval Oranges
A Word on Calcium Deficiency
A common problem suffered by tortoises. Calcium Deficiency is usually the result of an incomplete diet. The tells are easy to find if your tortoise has a calcium deficiency. Their shell will begin to ‘Pyramid,’ which signals there is a problem. Thankfully this is quite easy to control with a calcium powder sprinkled on top of their feed. You can find our supplement reptile products here: https://www.brownspetrange.com/collections/reptile-food
With everything in mind, the most important thing to remember is keeping safe. If we can help in any way, we can be reached on 01268 690706 or email us at hello@brownspetrange.com.